Monday, June 29, 2009

Pushed back hairline

Every day I see thousands of pushed back hairlines. Hey just remember on average your hair line only grows about a half an inch a month. So if your barber cuts your hair line back a half inch a week. We'll I know you can all do your own math. If your tire of getting your hairline pushed back. Check out our hair videos. Guys i've been a license barber for over 16 years. I'm a straight razor technition. Theirs no feeling like getting an entire neihborhood sharp for the weekend. The bosses barber. Getting your hairline shaped by a straight RAZOR AND SHAVING CREAM IS A TRUE ART. Very few people in the world will even atempt to shape your hair up with a straight razor and cream. I'm not talking about using the clipper to shape up and then using the razor to clean up. I'm taling a about shapr up hair lines and eyebrow with a razor. My personal preference are persona blades. I also use cheaper brands. I can remember my first hair cut right out of school. A friend of mine had a shop. So I decided to work their while I was in school. It took about three days before I even got a chance. The other barber was so shape I just could'nt compete. He was a barber teacher with a lot of razor outline experience. We'll it took me about a year to get comfortable with the straight razor and about 2 more before I really began to swing the razor like a samuri across hair lines so carefully.
We Its been a long time and and about a million hair cuts ago. I served more heads than mcdonalds. I'm always trying to be the best. Competition is healthy. But what happens when their is no competition.
Enough rap. Check the vids. If you think i'm not the best then come put me on blast or come give me my props. Peace out.
MMB hollaaaaaaaa........